


Image by Devanath from Pixabay Written by: Mundrika Prasad Singh आज ना जाने क्यूँ मेरा ह्रदय उद्वेलित हो रहा है. मन ही मन किसी को मैं शायद खोज रहा हूँ. शायद... शायद... नहीं, ठीक से…

Exams, Results and Dreams

Exams, Results and Dreams

Exams, well, obviously, they are not the stuff that people love. Results; even more hated. And the wait for the results can be sometimes, never ending. How long can you really wait!!! And especially, when…

Conversations and her

Conversations and her

She is either very intelligent, or just loves to show off her arguing powers. One day, out of nowhere, she wanted to test me. Usually, I lose the argument, irrespective of the topic of the…

Let bygones be bygones

Let bygones be bygones

I stay in Bangalore, a thousand miles away from my home, where I spent my childhood. When my mind is blank, and I am not thinking about work or anything else, I ponder over the…

Friends… Forever

Friends… Forever

What's a Friendship without fights? What's a Friendship without arguments? What's a Friendship without compromises? Friends are supposed to understand what you don't say. Friends are supposed to advise when you are off the track.…

Need for a change?

Need for a change?

Today, while I was passing by the Legislative Assembly building of Orissa on my way to some place, the sight triggered a chain of thoughts into my mind which was happily thinking about the sky,…