
Random something

Random something

What is a "Problem"? Who has defined what should a "Problem" look like, sound like or feel like. Why  do people run away from a "Problem"? Whats the definition of a problem? How are we…

Let bygones be bygones

Let bygones be bygones

I stay in Bangalore, a thousand miles away from my home, where I spent my childhood. When my mind is blank, and I am not thinking about work or anything else, I ponder over the…

Ooops!!! Sorry…

Ooops!!! Sorry…

People lose their cool all the time. So do I. I am generally believed to be a powerhouse of patience. People believe that I have loads of it. But the fact is, I don't have…

To the Airport again

To the Airport again

These days, the number of trips to the Airport has sky-rocketed, thanks to vacations and office work. Although I don't hate flying, reaching the airport is quite a long journey. It takes almost the same…