
A girl and a boy talk

A girl and a boy talk

She: Hey, why didn't you go to the gym today? He: Ah!! I tried very hard to wake up in the morning, but my eyes refused to co-operate. She: This is not done. You know,…

Conversations and her

Conversations and her

She is either very intelligent, or just loves to show off her arguing powers. One day, out of nowhere, she wanted to test me. Usually, I lose the argument, irrespective of the topic of the…

The New Year Post

The New Year Post

Ah!! this time I am late. Damn!! There were quite a few reasons. But, finally, this had to come. Image source: Wikimedia commons HAPPY NEW YEAR to you. :) Not much happened when the year…

What? What the heck!!!

What? What the heck!!!

Image source: Wikimedia Commons People can be so stupid at times. Sometimes, we say or do stupid things, which would make even a donkey laugh out loud. However, there are certain situations where you tend…