Busy at home. Busy at office, and busy in sleep. That’s how the last month went.
At home:
Aadya (7 months now), is super-active now, and needs to have a few pair of eyes always on her. Within a minute, she can reach places which she is not supposed to. So, she has made me more alert, and I my brain is now programmed to always multi-task (well, at-least 2-tasks). My hand-eye co-ordination has improved manifold. All credit goes to her. At times when I try to force her to have lunch/dinner, she doesn’t like it. And expresses her displeasure by making it almost impossible for me to put spoon in her mouth. But, with lots of practice, I have now learnt to win against her. 🙂 No matter what she does, I can now make her have the whole lunch without even spilling a drop. Although she is restless, and always throwing her arms and legs around, my hand-eye co-ordination is beyond her understanding.
She takes power naps a lot. At times, she sleeps after an hour of soothing and coercing her to sleep, and she wakes up before even I have finished praising myself for the accomplishment. Her power naps can be of durations anywhere between 5 – 30 minutes. More perseverance, a lot more, I guess.
Weekends are no more rest days. They are now the busiest days for us. I am so busy, that at times, I forget to brush my teeth, or take a bath for days together. Anyway, taking a shower doesn’t make sense these days, since she spoils the best of my T-shirts without any warning, whatsoever. I think I have to change the T-shirt that I am wearing right now. I can smell something.
At Office:
When we are so close to a release, and think it’s going to happen anytime now, some new issues come out from their hiding. The release that we have been trying to do since the last 2 weeks, is finally out, and I can breath a little more oxygen. It’s been quite a busy month at office also. When I reach office, there’s always some fire burning.
The road to office is always busy. The traffic has been increasing day by day. The days I get stuck on the roads, I wish I could fly my bike, seriously, and then give up the idea, when I hear someone also is also thinking the same, but loudly. That situation would be much worse that the situation on the ground.
But now, since the fire at office has been in control, I can breath some fresh sleep into my busy schedule. And give some more time to do other things as well. And get a little order in my day to day activities, like brushing my teeth, and taking bath regularly. But I am worried if Aadya will recognize me if I shave off my overgrown beard.